Today I met up with my best friend from Secondary school. We went through year 7 to 13 together and were very close. Yet when we both left school we didn't see each other much due to distance and business. She lives in Lenham and I live in Ashford and now I have a car, we decided to meet up, so I could meet her fiancee. Which was cool, I haven't seen her in two years and thought that it would be a great way to catch up.
...However I was so wrong. I met her fiancee who is very nice and sweet. I am really glad that she has found a great love (even if its not Jesus, please pray for her). Yet we didn't really talk and it felt so strange. The silence could have been sliced by a knife and the awkwardness hung in the air. I didn't know what to say, she didn't know what to say and her fiancee tried his best to keep the conversation alive. I felt so different and distant from this person who was once my best friend and a person I could talk to about anything and maybe with time another better friendship will come. Still I sat next to someone I still love very much coming to the realisation that we had grown apart and both changed.
Change is a good thing and brings new and fresh things, so maybe a better fresher friendship will come, but right now I feel saddened by are distance.
Things can sometimes become like that with Jesus. We have grown apart from Jesus, moved away and changed. Yet Jesus never changes or moves away or grows apart from you. Instead He stays by your side throughout everything, waiting for you to realise that He had never moved away from you. Jesus will never change His mind about me, you or anyone, whoever we are He will always love us with That amazing Grace and beautiful mercy and He will always want to be with you.
Where you go, Whatever you do and Whoever you are He will never change His
mind about you.
I find that a very comforting thought and I hope that I will know it truly within my heart. This relationship with Jesus is different from any other relationship with any other person here on an imperfect earth.
I will try my hardest to work at making my relationship with my friend better than it was tonight. So as I try with my dying relationships on earth, so must I try with my relationship with Jesus.
God says 'I will never fail you,
or abandon you' Hebrews 13:5
but He also says to you 'I will always love you'
That is all that Jesus is about love. Loving in our failure, so must we love others in theirs too!