People may let you down... People will let you down... The world may let you down... The world will let you down... You may let yourself down... You will let yourself down... GOD MAY NOT LET YOU DOWN?... GOD WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN!!
So many off us feel let down by people, by the world, by ourselves. I feel let down by people, my friends, my family, people who should let me down, but they do. The world lets me down, everyday someone is hurting, someone is in pain, 'but that's the world we live in'. Everyday I let myself down. I don't do want I should, I do something I shouldn't, I hurt people, I let others down.
But you see the most wonderful and great thing about God is he isn't like anybody, He isn't like the world and He most certainly isn't like me!!
God is amazing that He is so Trustworthy! He is 100% committed to us even when we forget to be 100% committed to Him, or when others let us down, when everything lets us down.
That what I really love about God is His complete and utter commitment to loving me!
In fact today I have been let down by some people and it has annoyed me, angered me and in that I let God down. The ministry I lead at the moment needs leaders and team players to buy into the vision God has for it, to own it and to be 150% committed to it. But people let you down, people let me down and I still need to love them, I need to forgive them, just like God forgives me when I let Him down.
When it feels like all the world is against me God isn't. When I feel the world is full of injustice God shows me justice. When my heart is broken, for how children and young people are let down by the people who should love them but in fact hurt them, ruin their young lives, God shows me hope.
If all I have in this world that is constant and trustworthy is God, then I am in a better place then many.
If all you feel is being let down, then let God hold you up!
So God has given both his promise and his oath. These two things are unchangeable because it is impossible for God to lie. Therefore, we who have fled to him for refuge can have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. 19 This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.
Hebrews 6:18-19 (New Living Translation)