Tuesday, 26 February 2008


Lately the Children's ministry team have committed to pray before Kingdom Kids (our children's club). We decided to do this for many reasons and we have found this to be quite a challenge to make sure that we do this before every Kingdom Kids, as there is always so much to do and we have to keep the few children and young people who come with the team occupied.
Although we have found it challenging, we have still managed to pray before most of the sessions. Personally I like to do this because it reminds me why I'm there, why I give up my Friday evenings, when I'm tired, when I'm sick and when I really don't want to be there; it reminds me that I'm there firstly for God and secondly for the children and young people of our community. We do this to help build the Kingdom of Heaven here in Ashford, we do this to make a difference in children's lives, we do this to be Jesus (sometimes the only Jesus they will see) to a community which is in much need for a saviour!

Although this reminds me why I do what I do, why my team do what they do, Praying also gives the whole evening back to God. Its like say 'Okay God, I can't do this, so please do this through me, through my team.' and that what God does, even if I don't say those words, praying gives it over to God. God does the miracles, God does all the good things that happen throughout that evening, just because we took the time to ask God to be there, to bring God into the mix without just assuming that He will, whether we ask or not.

It amazing how much has happened since we decided to start praying together before Kingdom Kids starts. We have got the whole church praying for us in prayer days, we've gone out and visited Kingdom Kids at their homes, we have seen answers to our prayers. We're beginning to see miracles, we've had children and young people saved, children and young people coming to church on a Sunday when they didn't before! So much that I could list from the smallest change to the biggest.

But know that Prayer changes things and if it doesn't, Pray until something does!

11Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord. 12Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying.

Romans 12:11-12 (Contemporary English Version)

Monday, 25 February 2008

Please bare with me

I have been having some computer problems lately.
Having no computer at times and now our Internet keeps crashing.
I can't post at work, I think I might get told of if I do.
I haven't given up, just having a few tech problems (and having a think of what to write!!)

So please bare with me, I will be back soon!!