Saturday 12 May 2007


One thing I love about being a leader within the Church is the blessings you receive from the people you lead. The Young adults and teenagers that I have been leading in Flame (youth group) for about two years are amazing, brilliant young Christians growing so much in God's grace. I love to lead them and bless them like they have blessed me and somethings (well most of the time) they lead me more than I lead them. Flame has developed and changed a lot since I was the seventeen year old taking on leadership within this and it is still developing.

Shortly after I took on leading Flame, believing God had laid this on my heart and tried to be obedient to this calling, even though I felt inadequate for the job, God began to give me a vision. A vision for the youth in Ashford. For Christian youth from all churches to unite and come together for small worship and rally type events. At first I thought God must be joking if He thought I could do this and then His vision grew. It was no longer just Christian youth. It moved from uniting the Christian youth of Ashford to bigger evangelistic rallies for the unchurched and not-yet-christian youths of Ashford. I saw amazing Soul Survivor type one day events in Ashford, reaching out to the lost, searching people in and around Ashford. For a long time I ignored this thinking I was just making it up. Then I prayed about it lots and the pictures, visions and idea just wouldn't going away. I believe that God is doing mighty things among this generation in Ashford, but He wants to do bigger, better and mightier things. I know that one day this will happen. This needs to happen for God.

Please pray about this for it is beginning to happen and God's plan is slowly coming together. This is with AWE- Ashford Worship Experience. This will be awesome and full of God. But we need your prayers that God will be glorified through this. That many people will be saved by God's grace and that we as leaders and developers of this vision will come with humble hearts, that we will come obedient to God and let Him wear the crown. This is gonna be amazing!

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