Monday 29 January 2007


Life is an amazing Journey. We all have to embark upon it. Some of us may seem more successful at it then others. Yet in reality we are all striving to be something better and none of us can really ever match up to Jesus. But we can keep on striving.

Our journeys at times can be as tough as hell or like living out a piece of heaven here on earth and anywhere in between. The journey can be enjoyable and fun, or it can be a boring one and like young children we could be asking 'Are we nearly there yet?'

We have to keep our eyes fixed upon the destination, Heaven and that we will stay upon the right road. Other roads may tempt us, but we must trust in God and go His way and not our way.

Your on your journey, driving along in your car... Where is Jesus in your car?

Is He in the boot? Right at the back of your mind, your going your way and every now and then you think about Him?

Or is He in the back seat? A little better. There for company, someone to talk to, someone to share your journey with and every now and then prompt you to where you should go?

Perhaps by now your thinking 'no He's in the front passenger seat. He my navigator'? But you still make the decisions. He's there with you, telling you where to go. He says 'Go this way', but you question 'this way looks quicker?' Your still in control!

So now your thinking He's driving my car. He's in control.

I have one question for you...



Anonymous said...

thank you for your teaching. you have blessed me and helped me so much. i only came across this blog by spelling something wrong. I will return again if thats okay.


Anonymous said...

hello. thank you for your blog. it would be great to hear more about you and your church. YOUr comments have been so helpful to me. I feel blessed to have found your blog. Keep blogging

Anonymous said...

You have been sent by God Amazing Love. I felt very unloved today, and read what you had to say. Came across it by accident really. And then God reminded me that you were there, and that He cared about my journey. Thank you for reminding me of that.

Anonymous said...

Journey is an inspiration piece of writing. Where did you train for ministry? It is clear to me that God must be using you so much where you are. You have not said alot about yourself, but would like to hear more about your ministry and role within the Church of Jesus Christ.

The Lord Bless You Richly

+ West