Wednesday 14 March 2007

Exhausted in the world... rest in Jesus

I hear so many people complaining that they are 'Exhausted'! and that includes me too. So many people are working so hard saving up for things, to be able to pay the bills, put food on the table and all just to get by. Nowadays both parents are working all the hours God sends and having to pay for childcare too, when they know that they are missing out on so much... seeing their children grow, someone else see your child's first steps or hears their first word. Trying their hardest to get by, pay the bills or even maybe be able to give their children I better standard of living.
But and this is a very big but, is this even living at all?

Yes in the Bible it says that we should work and everything we do should be working for God, but how many people out there are working for God. How many people are working so hard that they are forgetting how to live. We have become so obsessed about working and money that we don't remember or have time for what life really is about. The life we have been given back, the life we owe back. This free gift doesn't always end up honouring the one who gave it to us. It becomes about ourselves and our life's. We as a race, individually, nationally and international have become EXHAUSTED by ourselves.

We are so busy doing that we are never being- We weren't called Human doings by God and the first time we were created we had to rest and not do, just be. We look after ourselves, well almost... we look after our bodies and try to be healthy, we try to look after our minds... but what ever happened to looking after our souls?

We were all made body, mind and soul, but it seems that because we cannot see the soul its the part of us that is probably the least healthy. We are so busy nourishing the parts we can see or know of and have some understanding of that we forget to nourish the soul. We laugh at Spirituality, but its our spirits which our lacking. Its our undernourished souls which need to be refreshed and renewed and then maybe we won't be so EXHAUSTED all the time.

Jesus came for this purpose, to nourish and save our souls and once well fed, sent out to feed the rest of the starving souls out there, just crying out for rest, refreshment and renewal. Because we are all so EXHAUSTED!

So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God.

For all who have entered into God's rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world.

Hebrews 4:9-10


Anonymous said...

Too many people are exhausted, and instead of allowing God to refresh them and revive them, they keep a mile from him. Thats why so many Christians an ineffective because they are not relying and waiting on Holy Ghost Power to give them all that they need. Thank you for your words of blessing and encouragement, which always aid my day

Anonymous said...

I was blessing through your wordings here. Thanking You.
