Tuesday 6 March 2007

The stone in my shoe

I was walking home from work when half way home, I felt something in my shoe. At first I wasn't bothered it didn't hurt and I didn't have far to go. But soon it moved and started to rub on my heal. 'Ok' I thought 'its not too bad and the ground is wet, so I'll ignore it. I'll be home in five minutes!' and yet again it moved. It moved into a more uncomfortable and painful place. The ground was wet so do I stop and take the stone out and risk getting my foot wet or do I just try and ignore it. Well it wasn't long to walk only about two more minutes, so I decided I could cope with the stone until I got home.
Every step I took hurt and every time I put pressure on that foot the stone dug into the soul of my foot. Every time it hurt I thought only I little bit more to go and tried again to just ignore it and get on with my journey home.
Finally I was home and when I took of my shoe I tipped out the tiny stone that hurt me all the way home from work. I thought to myself how can something so small hurt so much? but it had and it could have been so easy for me just to stop on the way and take out the stone, even if I had got a wet foot it wouldn't have been as painful and annoying as the stone.
Why did I do that? and why do we all do that in life?
We all carry around pain and baggage when we don't need to. When we could just stop on the journey and throw it away, we hold onto it. We can cope, its not that long to take it. We can't risk getting our feet wet along the way to get rid of the pain.
I know that I have done that a lot and in many ways continue to do this. I can't risk getting my foot wet to release my pain, my burdens and baggage. Yet God says that our feet won't get wet and the pain, baggage and burdens will be gone if you trust me and give it to me.
I know that I have to do this, because I've got a lot of stones in my shoes, and if I trust Jesus, my feet won't get wet and He'll take those stones upon Himself for me and He has already done that on the cross, but everyday will continue to do this for each and everyone of us.

Will you take the stone from your shoe and risk getting wet feet?

'Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me.

Get away with me and you'll recover your life.

I'll show you how to take real rest.

Walk with me and work with me- watch how I do it.

Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.

Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly.'

Matthew 11:28-30 (The Message)

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