Thursday 21 June 2007

Smile on God's face

God loves it when we speak to Him. He loves it when we just talk to Him. God wants us to tell Him everything from why today went well, why you feel down, sorry for the wrong things you have done, what does He want you today to what you need. From your deepest desires to your deepest fears. From your dreams to your nightmares and the things of your wildest imagination.

God wants to hear you tell Him you love Him. God wants you to listen when He tells you He loves you. God wants you to speak to Him throughout the day, not just at the beginning and the end. God wants to live in a relationship with you, walk in your life with you. Not just be called upon when you need something or want something. Not just a 5 minute phone call (prayer) everyday. God wants you to want to live your life walking hand in hand with Him and enjoying conversation with Him 24/7 and that includes listening to Him!

When we pray, God smiles. He smiles on us and blesses us back ten fold. And whats more, God answers your prayers.
For a long time I have been praying for a new job. I will be going into ministry within the Salvation Army in 2009 but till then I need a job to prepare me for this. I must of been praying for about a year, applying for jobs whilst trying to get on with my full time McDonald's job and my full time ministry for God. I've kept praying and had the support of others praying for me too. Knowing that being in McDonald's was not God's will anymore, so I prayed, applied, waited and listened to God.

Today I got a job as a play development worker. God smiles when we pray, He smiles when we see His answer and He loves it when His plan for our life's work out!

Make God smile today and pray! (and make sure you listen)

Don't fret or worry. Instead pray about everything. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down.
Its wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the centre of your life.
Philippians 4:6-7 (the message//remix)


Anonymous said...

Congratulations !

Anonymous said...

glad you trusted God in your job situation for He knows the plans He has for you and His ways are always perfect. Keep on trusting Him through the good and the bad days Hes always there. Congratulations Clare

Ian and Sue said...

We are so proud of you and thank God that this prayer has been answered. The right job - in Gods perfect timing - a year later - wow! Praying you will feel fulfilled with this, and rest in His perfect plan for you. We thank God for you and pray you will continue to grow and learn more about Him..... by the way.... your ministry with The Salvation Army has already started, the next stage might be 2009.....