Monday 5 February 2007

3 in 1

I have been inspired to write about the Trinity. It is such a complex and mindboggling subject. So many people have thought of fabulous ways to describe it, so us simple people can get our minds around it. Such as water: it can be steam, liquid or ice- 3 things but is the same chemical formula H2O and that works for some people. Others compare it to fire: (Bunsen burner) Orange flame(safety flame), Roaring flame and Blue flame- 3 things but all the same fire, they just do different jobs.

However I like to use the analogy of us, human beings. I will never completely be able to understand it, but to be able to picture it without melting my brain does help.

I see God as ONE body, a whole being. A body has a MIND, HEART and a SOUL. 3 things in 1 body. The MIND to me relates to Creator, Father, the HEART as Jesus, His death for our sins and the SOUL as the Holy Spirit. All 3 things have a different job and all our separate parts, but our all ONE within the body.

Just as we our made in the image of God- 3 in 1. We were all made with a MIND, HEART and a SOUL. Just as the creation we were made we reflect God's image by being 3 in 1. Sometimes our MIND can tell us what we should do, sometimes our HEART and sometimes that gut feeling, our SOUL or SPIRIT can tell us what to do and a lot of the time they work together in situations. Maybe this doesn't make any sense to you but then maybe God's telling you its not for you. But to put it another way, there is a saying 'you can listen to your heart or your head!' In that sense we are all made as 3 in 1, just as in God's image, but He is the ultimate Trinity!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is very sound. You are a helpful teacher. I have been studying theology for sometime, and not seen this written anywhere. I will add this to my notes for future reference. Thank you for inspiring me. My sermon is coming along well now for Sunday.

Pastor Ted